13 Bad Hair Care Habits

1. Frequent use of hair dryers

If the moisture content of hair drops below 10%, the hair will become rough and split. It is best to let the hair dry naturally.

For those who often go to beauty salons, you can ask the hairdresser to hold the hair dryer farther away, not close to the scalp, and the time should not be too long.

2. Repeatedly combing hair every day

Repeatedly combing hair more than 50 times a day Combing hair can help clean the dirt attached to the hair and stimulate the scalp, promoting blood circulation in the scalp.

But combing too much will damage the hair. It is recommended to comb about 30 times a day.

3. Comb only the tail end of the hair

The correct way to comb hair is to comb slowly from the root to the end of the hair, especially for people with long hair. If you only comb the end of the hair, it often breaks or entangles the hair.

4. Dry your hair vigorously after washing

Rubbing with a towel will only make the hair dry and split. You should wrap your hair with a dry towel and press gently. The dry towel will naturally absorb the moisture from the hair.

5. The more shampoo foam, the better

Many people think that the harder you wash your hair, the more shampoo foam there is, and the cleaner your hair will be. 

In fact, this will make your hair drier. The foam of shampoo products should not be too much, but the force should be gentle.

6. Spray perfume on your hair

Although hair easily absorbs odors, spraying perfume on your hair will have the opposite effect. 

Because once the alcohol component in the perfume evaporates, it will take away the moisture in the hair, making the hair drier.

7. Dyeing and perming at the same time

People who have just permed their hair should wait a week or two before dyeing their hair, otherwise it will put too much burden on the hair and damage the hair.

8. Sleeping with curlers

The hair is rolled in the curlers and bears the weight and pressure all night, which will inevitably be damaged, so this method is not advisable.

9. Excessive use of hair care products

When hair is dry, apply more conditioner. If hair is dry and lacks luster, applying more hair care products can solve the problem. I believe many people have tried this. 

In fact, excessive conditioner will only burden the hair. If you want to apply it, it is best to apply it only on the surface of the hair.

10. Combing your hair vigorously

Combing your hair vigorously can remove dandruff. Scraping the scalp vigorously with the tip of the comb can indeed remove some dandruff, but the keratin cells on the scalp will also fall off, causing scalp injuries.

11. Continuous perming

When the new perm hairstyle is not satisfactory, some people will do it again. Doing so will cause great damage to the hair.

12. Allergy to hair dyeing

If possible, communicate fully with the hairdresser before dyeing your hair. Apply some dye on the inside of your wrist. 

If redness and itching appear, you should give up the idea of dyeing your hair to avoid damaging your hair.

13. Choose hair care products that are suitable for your hair type

Using shampoo and hair care products that are not suitable for your hair type will cause damage to your hair. 

Just like using products specifically for oily hair on dry hair, it will wash away the oil and moisture on the hair, making the hair drier.

13 Bad Hair Care Habits

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