3 Early Symptoms of Male Breast Cancer

What is male breast cancer? Many people think that breast cancer is a disease unique to women, but men also have the problem of breast hyperplasia.

What are the causes of male breast cancer

The cause of the disease is similar to that of women. It is mainly caused by endocrine disorders caused by liver disease or drug factors, which cause imbalanced hormone concentrations in the blood, thereby causing breast hyperplasia.

In the early stage of the disease, one or both breasts of men will increase sharply, accompanied by local pain and swelling, and the film shows the distribution of glandular tissue.

Three main symptoms of male breast cancer

1. Breast lumps and swelling

The main symptoms of male breast cancer are that the lumps in the breast often occur around the areola, with a hard texture, unclear boundaries, and often rough surfaces and poor mobility.

2. Breast depression

The breast skin is sunken, the nipple is inverted, and occasionally accompanied by nipple bleeding. The pain is sometimes not very obvious, but if the nipple is found to be retracted and the skin is involved, you should be vigilant.

3. Swollen lymph nodes

The biggest characteristic of breast tumors is that they are easy to metastasize, so if you find that the lymph nodes under your armpits are swollen for a long time, you should be especially careful.

Keep your breasts clean and hygienic at ordinary times, and pay attention to various changes in your breasts.

If you experience local pain and tenderness, a painless lump with unclear boundaries, a sunken nipple, or secretions, you should go to the hospital immediately for relevant consultation and examination.

How to self-examine for breast cancer? Click here if you want to know more about it.



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