3 mainly options for treating brain tumors

Brain tumor is a very common brain tumor, which is very harmful to patients. Patients should not miss the treatment opportunity after the onset of the disease, and should go to the hospital for treatment to avoid malignant transformation.

What are the methods for treating brain tumors?

1. Radiotherapy for brain tumors

Ordinary radiotherapy cannot cure brain tumors. Therefore, radiotherapy should be used as an auxiliary treatment for brain tumors according to the severity of the patient’s condition. 

Blind use of radiotherapy will cause greater physical and mental harm to patients.

2. Chemotherapy for brain tumors

Chemical therapy is also called drug therapy. Although the dosage is large, the efficacy is poor, so this method cannot cure the tumor. 

Therefore, a single drug treatment for brain tumors is not advisable and can only be used as an auxiliary treatment method.

In addition, chemotherapy will reduce the body’s immunity, and the result is often not worth the loss.

3. Surgery for brain tumors

Conventional craniotomy for brain tumor resection is performed under the naked eye, and doctors cannot accurately determine the location of the tumor. 

During the surgical resection of the tumor, it is not only easy to damage normal blood vessels and nerves, but also easy to fail to find tumors hidden deep inside.

At the same time, the operation is performed under general anesthesia, and the patient is completely unconscious during the operation. 

The doctor cannot determine whether the patient’s language area, motor area or other brain functional areas are damaged during the operation, which invisibly increases the risk of the operation.

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