4 different types of prostate cancer

1. Incidental prostate cancer

The main clinical symptom is benign prostatic hyperplasia. In the resected prostate tissue, prostate cancer is found by histological examination.

Its histological manifestation is well-differentiated adenocarcinoma, mainly tubular adenocarcinoma and cribriform adenocarcinoma, and a few are poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma. The incidence of incidental prostate cancer in Europe and the United States is 10% to 30%.

2. Occult prostate cancer

The patient has no symptoms or signs of prostate disease, but pathological examination of lymph node biopsy or bone puncture specimens confirms prostate cancer. And it can be further confirmed by prostate puncture biopsy.

Such patients have increased serum prostate specific antigen (PSA) and prostatic acid phosphatase levels. PSA and (or) PAP immunohistochemical staining of biopsy tissue are positive.

3. Clinical prostate cancer

Clinical examination (digital examination, ultrasound, CT or magnetic resonance imaging, etc.) diagnoses prostate cancer, which can be confirmed by biopsy. Most patients can feel prostate nodules by rectal digital examination. Ultrasound examination shows that the prostate nodules are irregular in shape, with uneven and low echoes.

4. Latent prostate cancer

Latent prostate cancer refers to adenocarcinoma originating from the prostate that is found in an autopsy after death without symptoms of prostate disease during life.

Latent cancer can occur in any part of the prostate, but is more common in the central and peripheral areas, and is often a well-differentiated adenocarcinoma. Statistical studies have shown that the incidence of latent prostate cancer may be related to environmental and genetic factors.

After the above introduction, I hope it can attract your attention. For prostate cancer, we must do a good job in preventing prostate cancer and prevent ourselves from suffering from the disease. For more knowledge about prostate cancer, please consult our experts online, and the experts will give you a detailed answer.

What foods are good for prostate cancer patients? Click here if you want to know more about it.



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