4 key points for home care of liver cancer patients

Home care for liver cancer patients

The treatment time for liver cancer patients is long, and they need to rest at home for a period of time during the treatment process, so home care becomes an integral part of the treatment.

Home care is different from clinical care. Home care can make patients feel friendly and trustful, thereby improving the quality of life of patients.

Psychological care

Liver cancer patients are irritable, and their families should be understanding and tolerant. Encourage patients to participate in easy work and study and establish their own survival value.

Cleanliness and hygiene

Basic family care should ensure the cleanliness of the mouth, face, hair, hands, feet, perineum and other parts to prevent bedsores, orthostatic hypotension, respiratory system infections, cross infection, urinary tract infections, etc.


Strictly follow the doctor’s instructions to take medication and ensure that the medication is taken on time.

Health habits

Family members should patiently guide patients to take care of themselves and correct their past bad living habits. Supervise patients not to smoke or drink, and often guide patients to maintain a balance between mind and body.

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