6 dietary habits to stop your hair loss

Except the treatment with drugs after hair loss occurs, the following food therapy can also regenerate hair.


Among women with hair loss, 30% are iron deficient. Therefore, patients should eat more iron-rich foods, such as soybeans, black beans, eggs, hairtail, shrimp, peanuts, spinach, bananas, carrots, potatoes, etc.

Plant protein

The nitrogen amino acid and cystine in the hair of people with hair loss are significantly reduced. 

Therefore, patients should eat more foods rich in methionine and cystine, such as soybeans, black sesame seeds, and corn.

Vegetables and fruits

One of the factors that women are prone to hair loss is that there are acidic toxins in the blood. 

Long-term excessive consumption of sugar and fat foods causes acidic substances such as lactic acid, pyruvic acid, and carbonic acid produced during metabolism to remain in the body, producing acidic toxins.

Therefore, you should eat less liver, meat and other foods, because the acidic substances in these foods can easily cause excessive acidic toxins.

Vegetables and fruits are alkaline foods that can neutralize acidic toxins, so you can eat more appropriately.


The luster of women’s hair is related to the function of the thyroid gland. Iodine supplementation can enhance the function of the thyroid gland and is beneficial to hair health. Women with hair loss can eat more foods such as kelp, seaweed, and oysters.

Vitamin E

Because vitamin E can resist hair aging, promote the division of hair matrix cells, and make hair grow. You can eat more fresh lettuce, cabbage, black sesame, etc.

Mucoid and collagen

You can eat beef bone soup, pork rib soup, etc.

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