6 early symptoms signs of breast cancer

1. Lumps in Breast

Patients with early breast cancer can feel a bean-sized lump in the breast, which is hard and movable. Generally, there is no obvious pain, and a few have symptoms such as paroxysmal pain.

2. Discomfort and pain in breast

Although some breast cancer patients have not yet been able to touch a clear lump in the breast, they often have local discomfort, especially postmenopausal women.

The early symptoms of breast cancer sometimes make patients feel mild pain and discomfort in one breast or shoulder, and even involve the upper arm on that side.

3. Nipple retraction

The nipple is near the center with nipple retraction, the patient’s breast skin has a slight depression (medically called “dimple syndrome”), nipple erosion, nipple asymmetry, breast skin thickening and coarsening, and enlarged pores (medically called “orange peel syndrome”).

4. Changes in breast appearance

In the early stages of breast cancer, the skin at the breast mass will bulge, and some local skin may appear orange peel-like, or even edema, discoloration, or eczema-like changes.

5. Regional lymph node enlargement

The most common being the enlargement of the ipsilateral axillary lymph nodes. Patients with supraclavicular lymph node enlargement are already in the late stage.

6. Nipple discharge

When the discharge is bloody or serous, special care should be taken and further examinations should be performed.

The six major symptoms of early breast cancer

At present, breast cancer has become the primary threat to women’s health. Knowing the symptoms of early breast cancer can help women know the occurrence of the disease as early as possible, so that patients with breast cancer can get effective treatment in the early stage of the disease.

Is breast cancer hereditary? Click here if you want to know more about it.



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