6 reasons why baby has low intelligence

The causes of mental retardation

There are many reasons for infant mental retardation. Generally speaking, it can be divided into true mental retardation and pseudo-mental retardation.

In pseudo-mental retardation, although the intellectual development is slow, there is no obvious damage to the nervous system. After eliminating the cause of the disease, the intelligence will return to normal.

If true mental retardation can be identified and treated early, there is still hope for recovery of intelligence.

Pseudo-mental retardation is mostly related to disease, environment and nutrition, while true mental retardation is more related to genetics.

1. Genetics

Genetic factors are one of the main causes of severe mental retardation. In developed countries, mental retardation caused by genetic diseases accounts for more than half of the total number of severe mental retardation.

2. Infection and dystocia

Causes before birth If pregnant women are infected with rubella virus, influenza and other viral diseases in the first 4 months of pregnancy, it will cause great harm to the fetus and infant, and may cause congenital malformations and intellectual disabilities in the fetus.

3. Disease

Congenital idiocy is also called Down syndrome, which is caused by chromosomal abnormalities.

Cretinism is also called congenital thyroid dysfunction. Due to abnormal thyroid development, thyroid hormone cannot be synthesized, which affects brain development.

Phenylketonuria is caused by enzyme defects, which hinders the metabolism of ingested phenylalanine and causes brain cell dysfunction.

Cat cry syndrome is caused by problems with chromosomes in the body.

4. Nutrition

Studies have shown that malnutrition during pregnancy is one of the main causes of intrauterine fetal growth retardation. Children with malnourished mothers have significantly retarded physical development.

These children are often accompanied by low intelligence, behavioral disorders or other disorders.

5. Family psychological factors

Early social isolation, emotional deprivation, lack of maternal love, inappropriate teaching methods, etc. can all affect the child’s intelligence level.

In families with stable family structures and well-educated parents, children’s intelligence level will be higher than other children.

Other factors such as large families, multiple children, short birth intervals, twins and divorced parents all have a direct impact on children’s intellectual development.

6. Environmental & physical

Geographical environment: Iodine deficiency in pregnant women is one of the important factors affecting the normal development of the fetus.

Radiation: Whether it is X-rays or other radiation, it can stop the development of the embryo and cause deformities.

The impact of radiation on the embryo depends on the type and dose of radiation, the developmental stage when exposed, and the sensitivity of the embryo to radiation.

Noise: The impact on the fetus is mainly manifested in fetal development, fetal response, and teratogenic effects.

Heavy metals: If the lead content is too high, it is easy to cause infertility, spontaneous abortion, and the birth of low-weight babies. The infants will have developmental delays and mental retardation.

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