7 kinds of porridge for beauty and skin care

Skin Beauty Porridge

15g longan meat, 10g wolfberry, 5 red dates, 100g glutinous rice.

Wash and put into a casserole and simmer into a thin porridge. Take it before going to bed and on an empty stomach in the morning.

Benefit: This porridge has the effects of nourishing the heart and calming the mind, replenishing blood and regenerating muscles, and nourishing the skin. It is suitable for people who are weak and have just recovered from illness.

Wrinkle Remove & Skin Moisture Porridge

15g jujube kernel, 15g longan meat, and an appropriate amount of polished rice.

Put them into the pot and cook them into porridge, and finally add a little brown sugar and take it before going to bed.

Benefit: This porridge can regenerate muscles and remove wrinkles and make the skin smooth if consumed for a long time. It is suitable for people with sallow face, palpitations, forgetfulness and insomnia caused by excessive thinking and overwork.

Skin Regeneration Porridge

4g ginseng, 18g astragalus, 70g glutinous rice, 4g white sugar, 8g white atractylodes.

Boil ginseng, astragalus and atractylodes in water for 20 minutes, then add glutinous rice to make porridge. Take it in 2 times, and add sugar when eating.

Benifit: This porridge has the effect of anti-aging, beauty, detoxification and muscle regeneration. It is suitable for those with yellow and white skin and lack of moisture.

Eye Brightening Porridge

50 grams of red dates, 15 grams of chrysanthemum, 100 grams of japonica rice.

Put them into the pot and cook until thick, add brown sugar to taste. Take it in 2 times in the morning and evening.

Benifit: This porridge has the effect of nourishing blood and improving eyesight.

Oatmeal Beauty Porridge

100 grams of oats, 300 grams of milk, 5 grams of butter, 100 grams of sugar.

Put the cooked oats into milk and cook for 10 minutes, then add butter, sugar and a small amount of salt. Take it in 2 times in the morning and evening.

Benefit: This porridge has the effect of moisturizing the intestines and relieving constipation.

Facial Stain Remove Porridge

50g coix seed rice, 15g lily, 100g polished rice, appropriate amount of honey.

Put coix seed, lily and polished rice into a pot, add water and cook until cooked, add honey and mix well. Take it in 2 times.

Benefit: This porridge has the effect of removing spots. It can be used to treat freckles, acne, eczema, etc. on women’s faces.

Acne Remove Porridge

9g of peach kernel and hawthorn each, 100g polished rice.

Peach kernel and hawthorn are boiled in water in a pot, and then added to polished rice to make porridge. Take it in 2 times in the morning and evening.

Benefit: This porridge has the effect of removing blood stasis and moistening the intestines. It is suitable for people with facial acne.

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