7 natural herbs good for female beauty


Ginseng contains saponins, polysaccharides and other ingredients, which have the effect of promoting blood circulation. It is often used in eye products to promote blood circulation, improve dark circles, and have a certain whitening effect.


Angelica has a very good effect of nourishing blood and promoting blood circulation. You can use 10 grams of angelica, 10 grams of astragalus, and 5 red dates, soak in boiling water, and drink it as tea to make the skin rosy.

In addition, tangerine peel powder is also a beauty agent. Tangerine peel powder has a certain effect on facial sallowness.

Coix seed

Coix seed is the main drug for anti-stain, and is known as the “anti-stain king”. Coix seed can remove acne and has a certain effect on age spots, freckles, butterfly spots, pregnancy spots, etc. It also has a certain effect on skin desquamation, acne and rough skin.


White Poria has a whitening effect. The usage is to grind the medicine into powder, mix it into a paste, and apply it on the face, just like a whitening mask.


Oats are a very good health food. They can beautify the body and complexion by lowering blood lipids, blood pressure and blood sugar. Oats can improve skin elasticity. If it is red bloodshot skin or red apple face, you can eat oats to improve it.

Bird's nest

Bird’s nest can reduce wrinkles and make the skin smooth. But bird’s nest is expensive, and ordinary people can use white fungus instead. If you want to remove wrinkles, you can choose products containing white fungus or eat white fungus porridge directly.


Yam has antioxidant and anti-aging effects. Especially wild yam has better effects.

There is a folk custom in Thailand that when the daughter is 14 years old, the mother starts to make wild yam diet for her daughter, so many Thai women are very slim. Pomegranate also has this effect.

The foods and herbs that can beautify your skin

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