7 symptoms of kidney tumors

Most kidney tumors are malignant, mainly including renal cancer, renal pelvic tumors and nephroblastoma. Due to the hidden location of the kidney, most kidney tumors are asymptomatic in the early stage.

When they are discovered in the hospital, they are mostly in the late stage.Therefore, people must pay attention to some clues in their daily lives so that they can be treated early.

1. Kidney tumors

Tumors: If you feel a hard, uneven tumor in the waist or abdomen, it means that the size of the kidney tumor is already large. Most patients are children aged 1-3 years old, and nine out of ten should be discovered by their mothers.

2. Hematuria

After a kidney tumor occurs in an adult, one of its major characteristics is painless and intermittent hematuria. About 60% of patients with this disease have this symptom.

Painless means that the tumor has no other pain except hematuria in the early stage. Intermittent means that hematuria occurs when the tumor bleeds or invades the renal pelvis. When the bleeding stops, the hematuria disappears.

3. Kidney pain

Patients with kidney cancer may feel pain. Renal colic only occurs when a renal pelvic tumor causes hydronephrosis or severe hematuria. Nephroblastoma generally does not cause pain.

4. Left varicocele

 When an adult man suddenly finds that the left varicocele does not disappear when he lies flat, he should suspect that his left kidney has a tumor. The reason is that when the left kidney is swollen and painful, the tumor cells can enter the connected spermatic vein from the renal vein, blocking it and forming varicose veins.

5. Systemic poisoning symptoms

 Some patients first show systemic poisoning symptoms, such as weight loss, anemia, and weakness. About 10%-20% of patients have varying degrees of fever. Low fever is common in the disease core of nephroblastoma.

6. Metastatic tumor

If bone metastasis occurs, it causes fractures. Spinal metastasis causes low back pain and lower limb paralysis. When there is lung metastasis, coughing, hemoptysis, etc. occur. The symptoms of metastatic tumors are often very obvious and often appear before the symptoms of primary cancer.

7. Endocrine changes:

Kidney tumors can cause functional disorders of the human endocrine system. If polycythemia, hypercalcemia, sexual function changes, etc. occur, the occurrence of these conditions should consider whether there is a tumor in the kidney.

Several kidney diseases easily confused with kidney cancer. Click here if you want to know more about it.



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