9 best anti-depression foods

1. Fish: Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil can produce antidepressants, which can reduce people’s psychological anxiety.

2. Banana: Bananas contain a substance called alkaloid, which can boost spirits and increase confidence. 

Moreover, bananas are the best source of tryptophan and vitamin B6, which can help the brain reduce depression.

3. Grapefruit: Grapefruit is not only fragrant, but also can purify complicated thoughts and refresh the mind.

The high amount of vitamin C it contains can not only maintain the concentration of red blood cells and increase resistance, but also is one of the important ingredients involved in the human body’s production of “exciting” substances such as dopamine and adrenaline.

4. Spinach: In addition to containing a large amount of iron, spinach also contains folic acid that the human body needs. If the human body lacks folic acid, it will lead to mental illness, including depression and Alzheimer’s disease. 

Studies have found that people who cannot take enough folic acid cannot fall asleep after 5 months, and have symptoms such as forgetfulness and anxiety.

5. Cherries: Studies have found that there is a substance called anthocyanin in cherries that can reduce inflammation. Experts believe that eating 20 cherries is more effective than taking aspirin.

It has been reported that people who work in front of computers for a long time will have headaches, muscle aches and other problems, and they can also eat cherries to improve the situation.

6. Garlic: A German study on the effect of garlic on lowering cholesterol found that after eating garlic, people feel less tired, less anxious, and less angry.

7. Pumpkin: Pumpkins can create a good mood because they are rich in vitamin B6 and iron. These two nutrients can help the body’s stored blood sugar turn into glucose, which is the only fuel for the brain and can help the body maintain vigorous energy.

8. Low-fat milk: A study in the United States found that after women with premenstrual syndrome took 1000 calcium tablets for 3 months, 3/4 of them became less nervous, irritable or anxious. Low-fat or skim milk is the best source of calcium.

9. Selenium-containing foods: British psychologists gave the subjects 100 grams of selenium, and the subjects generally responded that they felt in good spirits and their thoughts were more coordinated.

Rich sources of selenium include dried fruits, chicken, seafood, whole grains, etc. Complex carbohydrates, such as whole wheat bread and soda crackers, contain trace minerals such as selenium, which can improve mood.

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