how to care for liver cancer after surgery

Characteristic of liver cancer

Liver cancer is highly malignant and progresses rapidly among digestive tract tumors. Once diagnosed, active treatment measures should be taken, surgical treatment should be performed as soon as possible, and chemotherapy should be adopted.

Whether before or after surgery, nutrition should be strengthened to reduce the body’s consumption. Usually, intravenous nutrition is used for supportive treatment within 4 days after surgery. The implementation of intravenous nutrition can be divided into central venous infusion and peripheral venous infusion.

Central venous infusion and peripheral venous infusion

Central venous infusion is usually performed through puncture and cannulation of the subclavian vein or internal jugular vein. It must be performed in the hospital and must be completed under strict aseptic technical operations, otherwise it may cause serious infection, affect continued treatment, and even pose a direct threat to life.

The energy source of intravenous nutrition is glucose, and the dual-energy intravenous nutrition solution of fat emulsion is beneficial to maintain the body’s protein synthesis and energy needs. When the condition gradually improves, it should be changed to enteral nutrition.

Diet of liver cancer patients

After liver cancer surgery, the normal digestion and absorption function of the digestive tract is affected, and symptoms such as anorexia, nausea, and poor appetite will occur. Sometimes the appetite is good, but it is difficult to eat, so patients must be encouraged to start with the simplest diet.

When giving intravenous nutrition, you can first give half a clear liquid diet, and then use a full amount of clear liquid diet, mainly rice soup, vegetable juice, and sieved meat soup. If there are no complications, gradually increase the quality and quantity of the diet.

The food of patients with liver cancer should be extremely soft, easy to swallow, and easy to digest and absorb. Attention should be paid to the supplementation of vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Traditional Chinese medicine improve immunity

In short, when liver cancer patients undergo surgery and chemotherapy, a series of effects will be produced on nutritional metabolism, so it is necessary to adjust nutrition to help patients get through the difficulties.

Traditional Chinese medicine not only has a good effect on the treatment of cancer and prevention of recurrence, but also has important significance for the prevention of cancer.

Therefore, when the body is weak and the immune function is reduced, Chinese medicine can be taken to strengthen the body and enhance immunity, which plays an important role in reducing the incidence of cancer.

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