7 factors trigger the kidney cancer

Kidney cancer is a very harmful malignant cancer that has a great impact on the patient’s life and work. Many factors in life can cause kidney cancer. Only by understanding the cause of kidney cancer can we prevent kidney cancer and reduce the incidence of kidney cancer.

What are the causes of kidney cancer?

1. Obesity and hypertension

High body mass index and hypertension are two of the more significant factors in causing kidney cancer in men.

2. Smoking

A large amount of data shows that smoking is the main cause of kidney cancer. The relative risk of smokers developing kidney cancer is extremely high. People who have smoked for more than 30 years and smoked unfiltered cigarettes are at an increasing risk of kidney cancer year by year.

3. Foods and drug

The survey found that high intake of dairy products, animal protein, and fat, and low intake of fruits and vegetables are risk factors for kidney cancer. Abuse of antipyretic analgesics, especially drugs containing phenacetin, can increase the risk of kidney cancer. Diuretics can also be a factor that promotes kidney cancer.

4. Occupation

Reports show that workers in metal shops, newspaper printers, coke workers, dry cleaning industry, and petrochemical products workers have an increased risk of kidney cancer and death. Occupational diseases are the most common causes of renal cancer.

5. Heredity

Some families have renal cancer, which is found during chromosome examination. People with a high incidence of renal cancer have defects in the third pair of chromosomes.

Most familial renal cancers occur at an early age and tend to be multifocal and bilateral. This is an unavoidable factor in the causes of renal cancer. There is a rare hereditary disease, hereditary macular hamartoma, in which up to 28 to 45% of patients develop renal cancer.

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