Hydrating skin care products can cause skin cancer

Skin care products may increase the risk of skin cancer

The sum of money spent by tens of millions of beauty-loving women around the world on skin care and maintenance is definitely not a small amount, but experts recently warned that this may be “spending money to buy pain”

Because according to the latest research results, women who use hydrating and moisturizing skin care products every day may increase the risk of skin cancer.

Carcinogenicity test of skin care products

Research experts from Rutgers University in New Jersey, USA, conducted experiments and proved that various skin care creams greatly accelerate the onset and deterioration of skin cancer, because it not only promotes the increase in the number of cancer cells, but also increases the size of cancer cells.

In the experiment, experts first exposed the experimental mice to skin cancer through strong ultraviolet rays, and then applied skin care products to them 5 days a week. After 4 consecutive months, the number of cancer cells in these mice was 5 times that of mice that did not use skin care products.

why skin care products cause skin cancer

Experts also reminded that in the past, people did not realize the relationship between skin cancer and basic care products, so most skin care products have never been tested for carcinogenicity.

According to reports, the reason why skin care products cause the above side effects on health may be because the basic formula mineral oil and sodium lauryl sulfate contained in skin care products have carcinogenic risks.

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