Why are allergic reactions increasing?

Allergic reaction is a disease of civilization, and factors such as changes in artificial milk and weaning food, air pollution, indoor pollution, and mental stress have contributed to the onset of the disease.

What causes allergic reactions?

 In fact, it is due to changes in the environment that people who do not have allergies develop allergic reactions. It is currently believed that the causes of allergic reactions are as follows:

1. Changes in Infant Diet

Due to the simplification of diet, the food on people’s tables has also undergone significant changes, and the ones most affected are babies.

What started out as rice porridge has now turned into baby rice cereal, and weaning has come earlier. The digestive organs are not fully developed yet, and the body takes in proteins that are difficult for babies to digest.

It is these proteins that become one of the important allergens in allergic reactions. Artificial milk has also been linked to allergic reactions.

2. Air Pollution

Asthma and other diseases are considered to be public nuisance diseases. Air pollution is an important factor in causing allergic reactions such as asthma.

For example, after guinea pigs are allowed to inhale a large amount of gases such as sulfurous gas and nitrogen acid compounds that pollute the atmosphere, they will produce a larger number of antibodies than normal and severe allergic reaction symptoms, which can cause shock and even death.

It is currently believed that sulfurous acid gas can make it easier for allergens to invade the body. In asthma, sulfurous acid gas causes bronchial inflammation, so these antigens are more likely to invade.

3. Chemicals

The presence of chemicals in all aspects of modern society, including medicines, detergents, cloths, cosmetics, pesticides, plastics and rubber, has contributed to an increase in the allergic eczema known as atopic dermatitis.

4. Mental stress

Anaphylaxis is an incredible disease, and psychological effects are also triggers. The mental tension and excessive mental pressure in modern society have become the soil for allergic diseases. In addition, keeping indoor pets has also become a cause of allergic reactions.

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