4 major symptoms of early laryngeal cancer

Laryngeal cancer is one of the malignant tumor diseases, which often occurs in people with a long history of smoking and drinking.

Experts suggest that these people should be aware of the early symptoms of laryngeal cancer while actively taking relevant preventive measures. As long as the early symptoms of laryngeal cancer can be discovered in time, there is hope for cure.

Early symptoms of laryngeal cancer

1. Hoarseness

The early symptoms of laryngeal cancer are fatigue or hoarseness when speaking, without other discomfort, which are often mistaken for colds and laryngitis. 

Anyone over 40 years old, especially men and long-term smokers, who have hoarseness for more than 3 weeks and have not improved after voice rest and general treatment, must go to the hospital for laryngoscopy.

2. Swollen lymph nodes in the neck

Especially the early symptoms of supraglottic laryngeal cancer are prone to swollen lymph nodes in the neck.

3. Sore throat

The tumor invades deep into the body, initially with intermittent pain, followed by continuous pain, and causes simultaneous reflex ear pain, and difficulty swallowing due to sore throat.

4. Cough and hemoptysis

In the early stage, there is usually coughing, no sputum or only a small amount of sputum, no hemoptysis, and as the disease progresses, blood in the sputum or even hemoptysis may occur.

The above are common early symptoms of laryngeal cancer, but it cannot be concluded that it is laryngeal cancer. You still need to go to the hospital for some relevant examinations. 

If these early symptoms of laryngeal cancer appear for a long time, they should not be ignored and timely examination and treatment must be carried out.

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