How to prevent gum cancer

1. Strictly limit all kinds of sweets

Sugar substitutes such as xylitol, sorbitol, mannitol, etc. can be used to limit the consumption of sucrose. You can eat more nutritious and low-sugar foods, including eggs, milk, yogurt, cheese, rice, steamed buns, bread, popcorn, fresh vegetables and fruits, etc.

2. Diversification of tumor diet

The food structure is similar to a pyramid. The diet for preventing gum cancer eats the most cereals, bread, rice, etc. Eat more vegetables and fruits. Eat appropriate amounts of dairy products, cheese, lean meat, poultry, fish, eggs, beans, etc. Eat the least amount of oil, sugar, salt, etc.

3. Smoking is prone to gum cancer

Smokers must quit smoking, and those who cannot quit should reduce their smoking as much as possible. Do not drink or drink less, reduce the alcohol concentration in the wine, etc. Pay attention to the protection of ultraviolet radiation and prevent long-term direct sunlight. Do not eat overly hot and irritating foods.

4. Maintain good gum hygiene

Remove residual roots and crowns, and sharpen sharp tooth tips or sharp edges of dentures in time to avoid adverse stimulation.

5. Crude fiber foods can prevent gum cancer

Such as celery, leeks, radishes, cabbage, apples, whole wheat and cereal foods. Rich in cellulose, they can prevent gum cancer. At the same time, good chewing can massage the gums, improve partial blood circulation, and strengthen the health of oral soft and hard tissues.

The above are five ways to prevent gum cancer. If you have any questions, please consult online experts

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