Pearls have excellent anti-aging effects

The benefits of pearls on human body

Whether in ancient times or modern times, pearls have always been made into beautiful ornaments to wear. In fact, many people don’t know that pearls have high medicinal value in addition to being used for decoration.

Pearls have the effects of calming the mind, improving eyesight, and detoxification. Modern research also shows that pearls have unique effects in improving human immunity, delaying aging, removing spots and whitening, and supplementing calcium.

In particular, the beauty effects of delaying aging, removing spots and whitening are very exciting good news for the majority of women who love beauty.

How to use pearl powder

In ancient times, many royal relatives had the habit of taking pearl powder. In fact, many expensive cosmetics now cannot do without pearl powder.

The method of applying pearl powder to the face for the treatment of chloasma is very good. The specific production method is: first, pour 60 grams of pearl powder into the container for making the mask, add an appropriate amount of milk and mix well, and add a small amount of honey so that the pearl powder can be evenly applied on the face.

Before use, wash the face with warm water, and then apply the prepared pearl mixture evenly on the face. The areas with spots can be massaged for a while with your hands to promote blood circulation and promote the skin’s absorption of nutrients. Keep it on for 20 minutes and then wash it off with warm water.

Why pearls have anti-aging beauty function

Modern pharmacological research has shown that external application of pearl powder can mainly solve the problem of oily and dead skin on the face, and delay skin aging by enhancing the activity of SOD (SOD is superoxide dismutase, which is the garbage scavenger in the human body).

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