Why hair loss occurs and how to prevent it

When you wake up every day, there will be some black hair left on the pillow, and there are also many hairs scattered on the sofa, the floor, the kitchen and even the computer keyboard.

You have been to the beauty salon and done the hair mask. The hair quality seems to have improved, but the hair loss is still there.

Causes of daily hair loss

1. Mechanical force

Combing, braiding, shampooing, blowing and other mechanical pulling on the hair will accelerate the loss of hair.

2. Emotions and stress

Life and the mental stress we face every day make our emotions changeable and make our hair constantly leave us.

3. Nutrition

Hair needs enough vitamins and proteins to nourish it, but greasy and spicy eating habits will bring adverse stimulation to the scalp, increase the secretion of sebaceous glands, and make the hair dirty and fall off faster.

4. Season

Autumn and winter are dry seasons. Many people will change from oily scalp in summer to dry scalp, and the hair roots will loosen and fall off easily.

5. Hormone level

Changes in hormones in women will also affect hair. The sudden drop in estrogen leads to an increase in hair loss, so it is not surprising that there is a lot of hair loss after childbirth and hair loss during menstruation.

How to prevent hair loss

Vitamins and proteins help the hair grow

The cellulose rich in vegetables can promote the intestines to quickly eliminate waste from the body, reduce nutrients in the blood and less stimulation. Vitamin B6 in whole grains also protects hair and slows down the aging and degeneration of hair follicles.

Keep the temperature and humidity stable

Frequent changes in temperature and humidity can have an adverse effect on hair, so the wet wind and cold wind blown out of the air conditioner may become the cause of hair loss and even promote the birth of white hair.

In the hot summer and winter, the difference in temperature and humidity between indoor and outdoor is too large, which is not suitable for the body and hair. The temperature difference between indoor and outdoor should not exceed 7 degrees, and it is best not to open air conditioning for too long.

Scalp massage benefits hair grow

Scalp massage has many benefits. The scalp is the “soil” for hair growth. To care for hair, you must start with scalp care. Massaging the scalp can promote blood circulation in the hair, and good blood circulation will ensure that the hair follicles in the scalp get the nutrients they need, promote better hair growth, and extend the life of the hair.

Persisting in scalp massage for about five minutes every day can ensure the maintenance of hair.

Quit drinking alcohol is important for hair grow

Drinking a lot of alcohol will cause the scalp to generate heat and moisture, damage the hair follicles, and cause hair loss.

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