Foods that can prevent Alzheimer’s disease

1. Alzheimer's disease is related to the lack of folic acid and vitamin B12

The level of homocysteine ​​in the blood of patients with Alzheimer’s disease is particularly high. Folic acid and vitamin B12 can reduce the level of homocysteine ​​in the body, so folic acid and vitamin B12 help prevent the occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease.

Meat, eggs, milk, fish, and shrimp contain more vitamin B12, and fermented soy products can also produce a large amount of vitamin B12.

Soybeans have anti-cancer and Alzheimer's disease founction

Soybeans are rich in active substances such as isoflavones, saponins, and oligosaccharides. Soybean isoflavones have a certain brain health care effect. Its chemical properties are extremely stable, and its structure will not be destroyed regardless of frying, boiling, or stewing.

Therefore, eating soy foods regularly can not only take in sufficient plant protein, prevent dyslipidemia and arteriosclerosis, but also have anti-cancer and Alzheimer’s disease prevention effects.

Eating fish to prevent the occurrence of heart disease

The content of omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA, in the blood of healthy elderly people is much higher than that of elderly people with dementia. This fatty acid is rich in fish and can also prevent the occurrence of heart disease.

Therefore, eating more fish, especially high-fat fish such as salmon, trout and squid, can effectively prevent dementia and heart disease.

2. Lecithin improve intelligence and delay brain decline

Acetylcholine deficiency is the main cause of Alzheimer’s disease. Lecithin is the raw material for converting acetylcholine in the brain. People can take lecithin from food to prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

Soybeans and their products, fish brains, egg yolks, pork liver, sesame, yam, mushrooms, peanuts, etc. are all natural foods rich in lecithin. After the human body ingests them, they can provide beneficial nutrition for the brain, improve intelligence, and delay brain power decline.

3. Unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins have the effect of delaying aging

High unsaturated fatty acids, low salt, low fat diets help prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases. Vitamins, especially vitamin E and vitamin C, have the effect of delaying aging.

Fruits and vegetables such as kiwi, strawberry, kumquat, pepper, and spinach are rich in vitamin C. Wheat germ, cottonseed oil, soybean oil, sesame oil, corn oil, peas, eggs, butter, etc. are rich in vitamin E.

4. Aluminum and copper intake can easily trigger Alzheimer's disease

Studies have found that excessive intake of aluminum and copper can easily induce Alzheimer’s disease. There is not too much aluminum in our food, but some food additives often contain aluminum, such as yeast, cheese and soda crackers. Although the amount is not too large, it cannot be eaten for a long time.

Many cooking utensils are made of aluminum. If food is often stored in them for too long, it will also increase the body’s aluminum intake.

Middle-aged and elderly people should eat more foods rich in zinc, manganese, selenium, and germanium, such as seafood, shellfish, fish, milk, beans, nuts, garlic, mushrooms, etc., which are very beneficial for preventing the occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease.

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