How can patients with hypertension better control their blood pressure

Hypertension is a common and easily neglected disease. Long-term hypertension can easily lead to complications in organs such as the heart, cerebrovascular system, kidneys and retina. These complications are most harmful to the heart and cerebrovascular system.

Improper behavior of patients to control blood pressure

Many patients with hypertension usually take antihypertensive drugs regularly for a long time, but their blood pressure is always not well controlled. It is often high and low, and the fluctuation is large, which makes patients more worried and anxious.

Some patients also increase the dosage of antihypertensive drugs at will in order to control blood pressure at a lower level, which brings a lot of potential risks to themselves.

Why can't hypertensive patients control their blood pressure well

The main reason for blood pressure fluctuations is that the patient’s antihypertensive drugs are inconsistent with the patient’s own blood pressure fluctuations.

At the same time, low blood pressure can cause insufficient blood supply to organs such as the heart, brain, and kidneys, which is easy to cause complications such as myocardial infarction, stroke, and chronic kidney disease.

Only by reasonably controlling blood pressure can cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases be prevented. In this regard, in order to better control blood pressure, you can start from the following aspects:

Adjust antihypertensive drugs according to blood pressure changes

If you find that your blood pressure fluctuates greatly, you need to go to the hospital for treatment in time. Perform dynamic blood pressure monitoring and screening for combined diseases. Understand the fluctuation pattern of blood pressure with the help of a doctor, and adjust the type and dosage of antihypertensive drugs accordingly. Do not increase or decrease the dosage of drugs without authorization.

Relax to maintain stable blood pressure

Understanding the reasons for blood pressure fluctuations can avoid unnecessary anxiety and relax your mind. A stable and good mood is also an important factor in maintaining stable blood pressure.

Low-salt and low-fat diet is good for hypertension control

Regulate your life

Maintaining a low-salt and low-fat diet and exercise is good for blood pressure control and can keep blood pressure at a normal level.

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