Home emergency treatment of acute pericarditis

Types of pericarditis

Acute pericarditis is an inflammatory disease of the pericardium caused by infectious or non-infectious factors. It can be generally divided into infectious pericarditis and non-infectious pericarditis.

Infectious pericarditis and non-infectious pericarditis

Infectious pericarditis is most commonly caused by tuberculosis and purulent pericarditis caused by Staphylococcus aureus, pneumococcus and meningococcus.

Non-infectious pericarditis is more common in rheumatic and uremic pericarditis.

Symptoms of pericarditis

Chills, fever, sweating, fatigue, weakness, anorexia accompanied by sharp and dull pain in the precordial area and symptoms of compression of pericardial effusion, such as dyspnea, cough, hoarseness, hiccups, dysphagia, etc.

Emergency treatment of acute pericarditis at home

(1) Rest in bed in a semi-recumbent position.

(2) Eat a high-protein, multi-vitamin and easily digestible diet.

(3) Physical cooling or oral antipyretic drugs can be used in case of high fever.

(4) When the pain is severe, take 25 mg of indomethacin orally 3 times a day, and add diazepam for sedation if necessary.

(5) In case of shock, lie flat with the head slightly lowered, and rush to the hospital for emergency treatment.

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