Cactus can treat shingles

What causes shingles

Herpes zoster is an acute skin disease that mostly affects middle-aged and elderly people. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that in the early stage.

it is mostly caused by liver fire or spleen dampness, and in the later stage, it can cause stagnation of qi and blood.

Clinically, it frequently occurs in the chest, back, waist and ribs.

The course of the disease is usually 2 to 3 weeks. After recovery, lifelong immunity occurs, and recurrence is rare. Elderly and frail people may suffer from post-neuralgia for several months or half a year.

Cactus is very effective in treating herpes zoster

Cactus has a bitter taste, cold nature, and is non-toxic. It has the functions of promoting qi, activating blood circulation, clearing away heat and detoxifying. 

Cactus is an important external medicine for treating mastitis, boils, burns caused by soup, snake bites, etc.

External application of cactus is effective in treating herpes zoster. Take an appropriate amount of cactus, peel and thorns, wash, chop and mash. Add one gram of borneol and one gram of realgar, and mix well into a paste.

Apply to the affected area and secure with tape. Change the dressing every day, once in the morning and once in the evening. It takes 3 to 5 days to recover.

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