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Crohn’s disease recovery cases

What is crohn’s disease Crohn’s disease is a chronic granulomatous inflammation, and the lesions can affect all parts of the gastrointestinal tract. The main clinical manifestations are abdominal pain, diarrhea, abdominal mass, obstruction, intestinal fistula, anal lesions, and systemic symptoms such as fever, anemia, physical decline, and developmental delay. Crohn’s disease diagnosed by TCM 1.

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Minerals in food may prevent Alzheimer’s

The serum thiamine, niacin, ascorbic acid, riboflavin, folic acid, vitamin A and vitamin B12 of patients with Alzheimer’s disease are lower than those of normal people.  Therefore, it is necessary to supplement the various vitamins needed by the body to prevent Alzheimer’s disease. Some minerals in the diet can prevent Alzheimer’s disease Seafood, edible fungi,

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Elderly people who sleep too much are more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease

Although lack of sleep can easily harm your health, sleeping too much is not a good thing either. People who sleep too much have faster cognitive decline than others Spanish and American researchers have found that for elderly people aged 60 to 70, if they sleep an average of more than 9 hours a day,

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Beware of esophageal cancer If your throat swallow difficultly

Symptoms of esophageal cancer Dysphagia refers to the feeling of pharyngeal or esophageal obstruction and stagnation caused by the obstruction of food from the mouth to the stomach. It is the most common symptom of esophageal cancer. For anyone with dysphagia, it is necessary to determine whether it is caused by cancer as soon as

Beware of esophageal cancer If your throat swallow difficultly Read More »

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