Colorectal cancer’s treatment at different stages

The symptoms of colorectal cancer are different in each period. When treating, we should treat in different periods and adopt different treatment methods.

Treatment methods for colorectal cancer in different periods

1. Early stage of colorectal cancer

At this time, the symptoms are not very severe. Patients can achieve the purpose of treatment through resection. The best treatment method is chemotherapy in a short period of time and then surgery. After surgery, adjuvant chemotherapy is performed, and Chinese medicine can reduce the side effects of chemotherapy.

2. Mid-stage colorectal cancer

At this time, the patient’s tumor is constantly worsening and will spread and metastasize. The target tumor for treatment at this stage should be to shrink the tumor to the extent that it can be surgically removed.

Therefore, the choice of chemotherapy regimen is extremely important. After surgery, adjuvant treatment should be performed for another four months, and Chinese medicine can play a good auxiliary role.

3. Late stage of colorectal cancer

During this period, the patient’s body cancer has developed very seriously, and the hope of cure is also very small. Most patients with advanced colorectal cancer cannot undergo resection.

What is needed is palliative treatment, which is mostly chemotherapy combined with Chinese medicine treatment to prolong the patient’s life.

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