Crohn’s disease recovery cases

What is crohn's disease

Crohn’s disease is a chronic granulomatous inflammation, and the lesions can affect all parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

The main clinical manifestations are abdominal pain, diarrhea, abdominal mass, obstruction, intestinal fistula, anal lesions, and systemic symptoms such as fever, anemia, physical decline, and developmental delay.

Crohn's disease diagnosed by TCM

1. Diagnosis of cold and heat: abdominal pain is relieved by heat, the stool is clear and thin, and the food is not fully digested, which is a cold syndrome. Abdominal pain is relieved by cold, the stool is yellow-brown and smelly, diarrhea is urgent, the perianal pus is thick, and the anus is swollen and burning, which is a heat syndrome.

2. Diagnosis of Qi and blood: abdominal masses are soft but not hard, and distension and pain are qi stagnation. Finally, blood stasis should be distinguished: obvious abdominal masses, hard pain that does not move are blood stasis.

Crohn's disease recovery case

Sam, male, 28 years old, first visit on September 1, 2022. Two years ago, he was admitted to the hospital for abdominal pain and diarrhea, and was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease by the hospital. The disease attacks between August and September every year, and has recurred three times in the past two years.

The patient is now tired, has diarrhea and abdominal pain, and has 7 to 8 purulent stools every day. He is afraid of cold and has poor appetite. His tongue is pale and his pulse is weak.

Chinese medicine cured Crohn's disease

Diagnosis: abdominal pain caused by heat toxicity and blood stasis, and deficiency of both qi and blood.

Treatment principle: clearing heat and detoxifying, nourishing qi and blood.

Prescription: 30g of dandelion, 10g of Chuanlian, 15g of Pulsatilla, 15g of Red Caulis, 15g of Lotus Leaf, 10g of Aucklandia, 20g of Pseudostellariae Radix, 20g of Polygonatum, 10g of Dry Ginger, 10g of Amomum villosum, and 10g of Licorice. 14 doses. Decoction in water, 1 dose/day.

Second visit on September 15, 2022: The number of bowel movements decreased to 3-4 times/day, but the patient still felt tired and weak. 20g of Astragalus, 15g of Atractylodes macrocephala, and 15g of Poria were added to the above prescription.

Third visit on October 2, 2022: The number of bowel movements per day decreased to 2 times, and there was no pus or blood, but the stool was loose and the appetite was poor. Add 15g of Patchouli and 10g of Jiao Sanxian.

Fourth visit on October 18, 2022: The number of bowel movements was 1-2 times/day, with occasional abdominal pain and fear of cold. Add 15g of Psoralea corylifolia and 10g of Nutmeg. No recurrence in two years.

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