Diet for children with chronic gastritis

Types of chronic gastritis in children

Chronic gastritis mostly occurs in adults. However, in recent years, the number of children with chronic gastritis in pediatric outpatient clinics has been increasing year by year, especially in children aged 3 to 6 years.

Chronic gastritis in children is more common in antral gastritis, and atrophic gastritis is relatively rare.

The lesions of antral gastritis are mainly in the antrum, and its cause is related to the invasion of Helicobacter pylori. Other inducements include greed for cold drinks, irregular eating, and love of fried foods.

Causes of chronic gastritis in children

Due to bad eating habits and long-term uncontrolled eating, the secretion of gastric acid and pepsin increases, causing edema and erosion of the gastric mucosa. 

Excessive cold drinks cause the submucosal blood vessels of the stomach to contract and the mucosal layer to thin, forming chronic gastritis.

In recent years, treatments have mostly used drugs that reduce gastric acid and eliminate Helicobacter pylori, which have a certain effect on children’s antral gastritis. 

Drugs that strengthen the defense ability of the mucosa are also commonly used, but some children still have poor results.

Traditional Chinese medicine has a good result on the prevention and treatment of children gastritis

Traditional Chinese medicine has a good effect on the prevention and treatment of antral gastritis, such as dandelion, scutellaria,   lindera, yam, cyperus, corydalis, fructus aurantii, costusroot.

Adjustment of eating habits is very important for curing chronic gastritis in children. 

Children are individuals of growth and development, so food should be nutritious, such as milk, stewed eggs, fish, soy products, noodles, porridge, fresh vegetables, fruits, etc.

In addition, they can eat some foods that help stomach digestion, such as yam, lentils, lotus seeds, etc. Foods that should not be eaten too much include celery, bamboo shoots, fatty meat, various fried foods, etc.

Diet for children with chronic gastritis

1. 500 grams of white radish and 150 grams of honey. Put the radish pieces and honey in water and cook them, and take 3 tablespoons a day. It is suitable for children with stomach bloating, belching, and acid reflux.

2. 220ml of milk, 30 grams of honey, and 1 egg. Boil the milk first, beat in the eggs, and then boil for a few minutes before adding honey. Take it every morning. Suitable for children with stomachache, thirst, poor appetite, and constipation.

3. Add 20 grams of maltose into 250 ml of soy milk, boil and drink on an empty stomach. Suitable for children with dull stomach pain, cold hands and feet, and fear of cold.

4. Take 50 grams of lotus seeds and glutinous rice each, and 15 grams of brown sugar. Boil the lotus seeds in water for 30 minutes, add glutinous rice and cook until soft, then add brown sugar and eat. Suitable for children with upper abdominal pain, weight loss, and loss of appetite.

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