Eating bamboo shoots can help prevent liver cancer

Good diet helps with cancer prevention

For patients with liver diseases such as hepatitis B and cirrhosis, lettuce, bamboo shoots and asparagus can be eaten frequently during three meals a day.

Because these three foods have obvious effects on protecting the liver and preventing cancer, they have the effects of eliminating phlegm, diuresis and detoxification, and helping to excrete dirt from feces.

Lettuce Increase appetite and prevent anemia

Lettuce leaves are rich in calcium, carotene and vitamin C, which can promote the secretion of gastric juice, digestive enzymes and bile, and help hepatitis B, hepatitis C virus carriers and patients with chronic liver disease to increase appetite.

People with cirrhosis and anemia often eat lettuce, which can promote the secretion of organic acids and enzymes, increase iron absorption, help platelet rise and recovery, and prevent the disease from worsening.

Bamboo shoots can help with bowel movements and detoxification

Bamboo shoots can achieve a laxative effect. Escherichia coli in the intestines can synthesize bamboo shoot cellulose into vitamins needed by the human body, and can also synthesize complex waste that cannot be absorbed with bile acid in the intestines and excrete it out of the body.

The bamboo shoots diet therapy method recommends using 60 grams of oyster mushrooms, 200 grams of meat, and 600 grams of bamboo shoots, stir-frying or stewing.

Regular consumption can prevent digestive tract tumors and liver cancer, but people with severe gastric bleeding and esophageal varices should be careful when eating bamboo shoots.

Asparagus relieve fatigue

The nucleic acids, folic acid, glutathione, choline, arginine, mannan, peptidase rutin, etc. contained in asparagus can effectively inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Asparagus can also be used as a nutritional supplement for liver cancer patients to reduce fatigue and increase appetite.

The diet therapy method is to cook asparagus and eat it once in the morning and before going to bed. You can also cook 5 to 10 grams of asparagus roots every day and drink it for 3 consecutive months without interruption.

What vegetables are good for patients with liver cancer to eat? Click here if you want to know more about.

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