Eating fish during pregnancy helps to reduce postpartum depression

Fish is a kind of aquatic food that people like to eat. It is rich in nutrition, contains a lot of high-quality protein, and has little fat. It tastes tender and easy to digest.

Recent studies have found that women are more suitable to eat more fish. In addition to the fact that fish has less fat, low calories, and women who often eat fish are not easy to gain weight, eating fish has the following special benefits for women.

1. Eating fish during pregnancy is good for the fetus

Pregnant women who often eat fish have a much lower chance of premature birth and low-weight babies than pregnant women who do not eat fish or rarely eat fish.

If you eat fish once a week during pregnancy, the possibility of premature birth is only 1.9%, while the possibility of premature birth for pregnant women who never eat fish is 7.1%. 

The reason is that fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can prevent premature birth and effectively increase the weight of the baby at birth.

2. Pregnant women often eat fish to reduce the occurrence of depression

The more omega-3 pregnant women take from marine fish in the third month of pregnancy (referring to eating fish 2 to 3 times a week), the less likely they are to develop depression during pregnancy and after delivery.

Scientists explain that omega-3 fatty acids are the key “building materials” of the brain. If there is a lack of omega-3 in food, a chemical called serotonin in the brain will also be reduced accordingly. 

Low serotonin content can cause or aggravate depression.

3. Eating fish can prevent breast cancer

Women who often eat fish have a lower incidence of breast cancer, which is related to their frequent consumption of deep-sea fish. 

Finnish researchers have found that the essential amino acids and omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish can inhibit the formation of cancer cells and prevent the reproduction of cancer cells.

If you eat fish twice a week, you can reduce the recurrence rate of breast cancer. Studies have shown that fish oil is more effective for breast cancer and lymphoma. 

For cancer prevention, you can often choose to eat sardines, herring, yellow croaker, cuttlefish, etc.

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