foods rich in vitamin E can prevent lung cancer

Eating foods rich in vitamin E could reduce risk of lung cancer

New research suggests that eating more foods rich in vitamin E such as nuts could reduce smokers’ risk of lung cancer by 20 percent.

In the Finnish study of 29,000 male smokers, researchers found that those with higher blood levels of alpha-tocopherol which mainly formed with vitamin E, were 19 to 23 percent less likely to develop lung cancer.

But the most healthful action a smoker can take remains the same: quit smoking.

Vitamin E benefits lung cancer patients

The reduction in lung cancer risk occurred in men with the highest blood levels of alpha-tocopherol, while the best protection against lung cancer came from men with the highest blood levels of vitamin E and the shortest smoking history.

Although the new study involved only smokers and lung cancer, earlier studies have shown that keeping vitamin E levels normal may help protect against heart disease, stroke and other cancers, such as prostate cancer.

What foods are good for lung cancer patients to eat? Click here if you want to know more about it.



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