Ginger foot bath relieves cold hands and feet

After the temperature drops in autumn, many female friends will have the problem of cold limbs. This is caused by poor peripheral nerve circulation in the limbs, coupled with lack of exercise and not paying attention to keeping warm.

How to warm up the limbs

Soak your feet with ginger peel before going to bed for 15 to 30 minutes each time.

The feet are known as the second heart. Soaking your feet before going to bed can improve peripheral nerve circulation. Ginger is hot in nature and has a good effect in dispelling cold.

Sprinkling a little ginger when soaking your feet can not only quickly dispel the cold, but also prevent influenza.

When soaking your feet with ginger, the water should be at least 1/3 of the height of the calf, and the water temperature should be hot. This is better for improving cold hands and feet.

In addition to soaking your feet with ginger, you can also drink brown sugar ginger water. Brown sugar and ginger can not only dispel the cold, but also regulate qi and blood, which is also effective in improving cold hands and feet.

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