Ginger is very effective in treating tinea pedis

Tinea pedis is a superficial fungal disease that invades the epidermis, hair and toenails. It is a contagious skin disease. Clinical observations have found that ginger has a significant therapeutic effect on tinea pedis.

Ginger soup treat tinea pedis

150 grams of ginger with skin.

Squeeze the ginger juice, add water and mix well to drink twice a day. It can warm the stomach and remove dampness. It is suitable for tinea pedis exudate, itching, etc.

Ginger wine treat tinea pedis

50 grams of ginger, 150 ml of 75% alcohol.

Mash the ginger, add alcohol or white wine, seal and soak for 2 days. Apply ginger wine to the affected area for two minutes each time, repeat the above treatment every 6 to 12 hours until the lesions disappear.

Generally, the diseased nails can be seen to turn black after one week of medication, and the medication should be used continuously for 2 to 3 weeks. It can detoxify and kill insects, and is suitable for onychomycosis.

Ginger vinegar soup treat tinea pedis

Ginger and vinegar.

Cut ginger into small pieces, add water to boil, add vinegar to mix, then soak the affected foot in the ginger vinegar water for 15 minutes each time, 2 to 3 times a day. It can detoxify and kill insects. It is suitable for tinea pedis and foot odor.

Alum and dried ginger soup: 30 grams of alum, 10 grams of dried ginger.

Boil dried ginger in water, add alum and mix, then soak the affected foot for 15 minutes each time, 2 to 3 times a day. It can detoxify and kill insects. It is suitable for tinea pedis and foot odor.

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