How do leukemia patients prevent from infection

Leukemia patients are more prone to respiratory infections because the number of normal white blood cells decreases and the body’s resistance is reduced.

How to prevent various infections in leukemia patients

1. Reduce the number of times you go to public places

Influenza viruses, pneumococci, etc. live in the human nasal cavity and throat, and they are discharged into the air with human exhalation and saliva droplets. When people drink water, talk, and laugh, they are easily inhaled and infected.

Therefore, public places are the places where respiratory infectious diseases are most easily spread. Leukemia patients should avoid going to cinemas, karaoke halls, family dances, shopping malls and other crowded places.

2. Reduce excessive tension and fatigue

Relevant experts have used students as research subjects to compare their white blood cell counts and the incidence of colds during daily study and examinations. The results showed that students’ white blood cell levels generally decreased during examinations, and the incidence of colds increased significantly.

This is because the pressure of reviewing for exams puts students in a state of high tension, which results in two important phenomena in the body’s metabolism:

A. The brain’s energy metabolism needs increase, while the excitement of the sympathetic nerves inhibits the function of the digestive system, reducing the digestion and absorption of food

B. In order to improve the body’s ability to cope with stress, adrenal hormone secretion increases, while the number of white blood cells decreases, inhibiting the function of phagocytes.

It can be seen from this that excessive tension and fatigue can lead to metabolic disorders in the body, and fatigue and decreased resistance to disease are the result of this disorder. Therefore, it is very important to combine work and rest and arrange work and rest reasonably.

3. Enhance personal protection

Such as adding clothes in time according to temperature changes, gargling 3-4 times a day; boiling and disinfecting tableware 1-2 times a week. Wear a mask when going out during the cold season.

4. Keep the room air fresh

Open the window for ventilation twice a day, each time should be more than 30 minutes. Ventilation can not only expel carbon dioxide in the exhaled air and ensure sufficient indoor oxygen, but also the ultraviolet rays in the sun have a bactericidal effect, which is conducive to the purification of indoor air.

When ventilating, leukemia patients should go to other rooms and wait until the room temperature returns before returning. 

5. Regular air disinfection

During the cold epidemic season, air disinfection can be carried out preventively. Commonly used methods include vinegar fumigation: the main component of vinegar is acetic acid, which has a killing effect on staphylococci, pneumococci, influenza bacilli, etc. in the air.

Usually 12.5ml/m3 of vinegar is taken and placed on an electric stove for more than 5 minutes.

Since the fumigation method has a great relationship with the indoor humidity, the disinfection effect is best when the humidity is 60%-80%. Therefore, before fumigation, it is best to sprinkle some water in the room, or dilute the disinfectant before evaporation.

I believe you have learned about the above content. If you still have any questions, please consult our online experts, who will answer you in detail.

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