How Does TCM Treat Kidney Cancer

Kidney cancer pain relief medicine

3g borneol, 3g gamboge, 0.3g musk, 20g raw arisaema.

Grind the above medicines into fine powder, mix with wine and vinegar to make a paste, apply to the tumor in the waist area, and replace the medicine when it dries. Suitable for patients with local pain in late-stage kidney cancer.

Kidbey cancer pain relief liquid

15g cinnabar, 15g frankincense, 15g myrrh, 30g borneol.

Put the above medicines into a bottle containing 500ml vinegar, seal it for two days, take the supernatant and pour it into a small bottle. Take a cotton swab or a brush and dip the liquid into the painful area. Apply it several times after it dries. Generally, the pain disappears 10 to 15 minutes after application and can last for more than 2 hours. Suitable for patients with local pain in kidney cancer.

Severe pain caused by kidney cancer

50g borneol, 500ml white wine.

Add borneol to white wine and mix. After dissolving, apply the solution to the area with severe pain. Apply more than 10 times a day. It is suitable for patients with severe pain caused by kidney cancer, and can also be used for other cancer pain. However, it is forbidden to use it on wounds and ulcers.

Pain in the waist after kidney cancer surgery

30g cinnamon, 90g evodia, 120g ginger, 30g onion, 60g pepper.

Fry until hot, wrap with cloth, apply to the painful area, and heat again if it is cold. It is suitable for patients with cold pain in the waist after kidney cancer surgery.

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