How long can you live with melanoma

High mortality rate of melanoma

Melanoma is a type of tumor. It is a malignant tumor of melanocytes originating from the pigmented areas of the skin, mucous membranes, eyes and central nervous system. It has a high mortality rate and should be diagnosed and treated in time.

There are 25,000 new cases of malignant melanoma in the United States each year, and about 6,000 people die. The incidence rate is rising rapidly.

Melanoma survival rate

Sunlight exposure is a risk factor, and the same risk factor also includes family history, which is rare in blacks. The length of melanoma survival is related to many factors, such as the patient’s physique, treatment, diet and care, etc., which are the key to the length of survival.

After surgical treatment of malignant melanoma, the patient’s 5-year survival rate can reach 60%-80%. However, if the tumor is not discovered and treated in time, then in the late stage, even if surgical treatment is performed, the 5-year survival rate is less than 5%, and it is very easy to metastasize and relapse.

Other treatments after melanoma surgery are essential

Therefore, combined with other treatments after surgery, residual lesions can be cleared and the patient’s survival can be prolonged. At present, many patients in the clinic use biological treatments to relieve the toxic side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and to relieve inflammation and pain.

For some elderly patients, their bodies are very weak and they cannot undergo surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy. However, this does not mean that they cannot be treated. Biological treatment can improve the patient’s immunity and improve the patient’s immunity through the regulation of overall functions, improve the quality of life, reduce the patient’s pain and prolong life.

Go to doctor early if you find enlarged moles on body

Experts remind that when a progressively enlarged mole is found on the body, do not burn it yourself, let alone remove it casually. You must undergo a pathological examination at a regular hospital to rule out melanoma to avoid delaying diagnosis and treatment.

What is most effective way to treat melanoma? Click here if you want to know more about it.



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