how should family members care for liver cancer patients

Six cleanliness:

Cleaning of the mouth, face, hair, skin of hands and feet, perineum, and bed unit

Five preventions:

Prevent bedsores, prevent orthostatic hypotension, prevent respiratory infections, prevent cross infections, and prevent urinary tract infections

One management:

Dietary management

How to treat fever in liver cancer

There are many reasons for fever. The main causes of fever in liver cancer are cancer fever, infection, and drug-induced fever.


(1) Anti-inflammatory drugs.

(2) Drink more boiled water.

(3) If the fever is too high, use ice packs and warm water baths.

(4) Keep warm, change clothes frequently, and keep clothes dry and clean.

(5) If the high fever persists, contact a doctor.

How to treat constipation in liver cancer

Constipation Constipation in liver cancer patients is caused by long-term bed rest, taking diuretics, emotional factors, too little crude fiber in the diet, or too little water.


(1) Develop the habit of going to the toilet regularly.

(2) Drink plenty of water.

(3) Eat enough crude fiber food.

(4) Exercise appropriately if the condition allows.

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