how should patients with lung cancer supplement their nutrition

Diet for lung cancer patients

Lung cancer patients lose more than 6% of their weight. After timely nutritional supplementation, 50% of patients can achieve comprehensive therapeutic effects. If nutrition is not supplemented in time, only 20% of patients can achieve comprehensive therapeutic effects.

Usually, the tumor diet of lung cancer patients should be high in protein, high in fiber and high in inorganic salts. High-protein tumor diet usually contains 1-1.5 grams/kg of protein per day, and the focus is on supplementing patients with various essential amino acids.

Amino acids

The balance of amino acids helps to restrain the development of cancer, so lung cancer patients should eat more protein-rich foods, such as lean meat and folic acid, which have anti-cancer effects while protecting human tissues.


Vitamin A is mainly found in animal liver; vitamin E is highest in vegetable oils and cereal germs, vitamin C and folic acid are mainly found in fruits and green leafy vegetables, and animal offal contains more folic acid.

Trace Elements

Certain trace elements, especially zinc, magnesium and selenium, are closely related to cancer, and most trace elements have a mutually restrictive balance with vitamins, so lung cancer patients should maintain nutritional balance.

What to eat during radiotherapy and chemotherapy


For patients undergoing radiotherapy and chemotherapy, they often have dry mouth and nose, dry throat and thirst, and red tongue with little coating after radiotherapy. 

It is advisable to eat sweet and cool foods that promote salivation, such as fruits and vegetables. You can choose watermelon, lotus root, lotus seeds, mung beans, white fungus, radish, cabbage, etc., and avoid spicy or fried foods.

After chemotherapy, there are often digestive reactions such as nausea and vomiting. It is advisable to eat nutritious and easy-to-digest foods, such as crucian carp, eggs, dairy products, lean meat, etc. 

If vomiting is severe and appetite is low, you can eat small meals frequently. It is not necessary to reach the required protein quality, but to ensure the necessary water and electrolytes for the body.

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