how to care lung cancer patients during radiotherapy

lung cancer patients nursing during radiotherapy

There are many ways to treat lung cancer, but patients need to choose appropriate treatment methods. Radiotherapy is a common method for treating lung cancer, but radiotherapy will also bring some side effects to patients, so correct care measures must be taken.

Diet Care to lung cancer patients

lung cancer patients often have symptoms such as malnutrition, poor gastrointestinal absorption, weight loss, and low immune function during radiotherapy. So it is necessary to increase nutrition for patients. 

The diet should be in line with the patient’s preferences, mainly high-nutrition and easily digestible food. Eat more fresh vegetables, beans, and eggs, and do not eat irritating foods.

Skin care to lung cancer patients

Lung cancer patients will experience symptoms such as hair loss and local itching after 3 to 4 weeks radiotherapy. 

Paitients should pay attention to keeping the skin clean and dry during radiotherapy for lung cancer. And check whether the field markings are clear. To avoid cold and hot stimulation and prevent sun exposure and hand scratching.

Observe whether lung cancer patients have muscle atrophy, move their limbs regularly, turn over and rub their backs regularly to avoid bedsores.

Psychological care to lung cancer patients


Once lung cancer patients understand their condition, they often have negative emotions such as fear and anxiety, which causes excessive tension in the central nervous system, weakens the body’s immune function, and aggravates the condition.

During radiotherapy for lung cancer, care requires family members to communicate more with patients, vent their psychology, understand the patient’s thoughts, and eliminate their fear in time.

I believe everyone has understood how to care during radiotherapy for lung cancer.

I hope that the families of lung cancer patients will follow the above methods to care for the patients during radiotherapy, help patients develop a healthy body, increase resistance to the disease, and prepare for subsequent treatment.

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