How to Identify Rabies

Recognize the three stages of mad dog

The typical image of a rabies dog is to walk with its tongue hanging out, red eyes, tail tucked in, and hair standing up and drooling, not recognizing its owner.

1. The early stage of mad dog

The course of rabies is generally divided into three stages. The behavioral changes in the early stage are usually only easily noticed by people who have more contact with dogs.

For example, a dog that is usually very close to you becomes withdrawn, or finds a place to hide, and some even run away to a very far place.

while a dog that usually does not get close to people may become very close to people and lick the body and hands of people who are close to it.

At this time, the dog’s saliva already contains the virus, so there is a risk of contact transmission. It will have a moderate fever, eat less or not eat, and may also bite the soil, rags, etc. 

Sometimes it will stand still and stare or look into the air and bite, and often panic when it encounters stimulation.

2. The excitement stage of mad dog

The early stage lasts about 2 days and then enters the excitement stage. During the excitement stage, the sick dog behaves extremely unstable, trembles all over when it encounters stimulation, and often attacks people or other animals.

Common symptoms include drooling, tail tightly clamped between the two hind legs, running wildly with head down, red eyes, biting and barking wildly, stiff neck or inability to turn.

3. The paralysis period of mad dog

The excitement period lasts for 2 to 3 days and then enters the paralysis period. Symptoms include swaying movements, messy fur, drooping chin, open mouth and tongue, and finally paralysis of the trunk and limbs. 

Eventually, death may occur due to paralysis of the respiratory center or heart failure.

If a mad dog is found, it should be killed immediately and burned and buried deep. Do not skin it.

What is the incubation period of rabies? Click here if you want to know more about it.

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