how to keep your skin healthy from strong ultraviolet rays in summer

Use sunscreen with caution

People with sensitive skin should not wear makeup in the summer, and even reduce the application of isolation cream, sunscreen, etc. 

Because any sunscreen is actually a chemical sunscreen, basically contains sunscreen, which will eventually irritate the skin to a greater or lesser extent.

If you must choose sunscreen cosmetics, you should also pay attention to the sunscreen strength of the cosmetics, as well as water resistance and sweat resistance. 

The skin should not be white, greasy, waterproof, and comfortable and natural after application.

Wash face with warm water everyday

It is better to wash your face with warm water 2 to 3 times a day, regulate the water and oil structure of the face, and help the sebum and water to achieve a balance to achieve the effect of oil control and oil removal.

When the skin itches or is bitten by mosquitoes, do not scratch it easily with your hands and avoid irritation, and do not use hormone drugs at will.

Keep a good daily living habits

To maintain the skin, you should pay attention to daily living habits. Usually, exercise more, strengthen your body, and improve your allergic constitution.

Drink more water, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, and have a balanced nutrition. 8 hours of full sleep a day cannot be replaced by any skin care products.

Take warm baths frequently and wear loose, breathable, and moisture-absorbent cotton clothes. Dry yourself immediately after sweating, change clothes frequently, and pay more attention to skin cleanliness. Do not wear sandals or sports shoes with poor breathability.

The room should be kept well ventilated and the room temperature should be kept at 26~28℃.

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