How to save yourself from a poisonous snake bite

snake bite

According to statistics, about 30% of patients bitten by venomous snakes will use wrong methods such as cutting, burning, and tying to save themselves, which is actually completely unnecessary.

Don't use wrong methods to save yourself if you were bitten by snakes

Some people cut off their fingers or toes with a knife, tie up the bitten limbs with ropes or wires, and even try to destroy the toxins in the wound by burning. When they go to the hospital, the limbs have already necrotized.

In fact, it takes time for the toxins to spread throughout the body after being bitten by a venomous snake. As long as you seek medical treatment in time, it is usually not fatal. Even the most venomous coral snake will not be in danger of life as long as you seek medical treatment within 6 hours after being bitten.

What to do if you were bitten by a snake

The toxins of venomous snakes are related to the size and amount of toxins of the snake. If the toxins are small and the symptoms are mild, you can recover after squeezing out the venom and disinfecting the wound.

It should be noted that you should not suck out the venom with your mouth. You can use a knife to sterilize it with fire, cut the wound, squeeze out the venom, and immediately rinse it with plenty of water.

If conditions permit, you can use cupping to suck out the poisonous blood and call 120 immediately for medical treatment. If possible, write down the species of the snake or kill it and bring it to the hospital together, which will help doctors quickly identify the species of venomous snakes and inject the corresponding anti-snake venom serum faster.

How to distinguish whether it is a venomous snake or a non-venomous snake bite?

Usually non-venomous snakes have slender bodies. After being bitten, 2 to 4 rows of small gray teeth marks can be seen on the wound, and there will be no redness or swelling. You only need to disinfect the wound and inject a tetanus shot.

Poisonous snakes have thicker bodies, and the snake head may be triangular. There are 2 to 4 teeth marks on the wound, which are very deep, and there will be redness, swelling, and pain. Anti-snake venom serum, antidote, etc. need to be injected in time.

How to get away from snakes when you go out

Avoid going to places with many trees during activities.

Although the weather is getting cooler, November is still the peak period for snakes to go out, and field workers should be more careful. Experts say that when the temperature is below 20℃, the risk of being bitten by a snake will be greatly reduced.

When you are outdoors, avoid places with thickets or trees. If you see a snake, don’t provoke it, but walk away quietly. If you go hiking, try to walk on paved roads, and it’s best not to wear shallow shoes.

When you go up the mountain, you can prepare three things in advance: a stick, a few straps, and water. 

As you walk, use the stick to knock on the ground. Because snakes have poor hearing and vision, but are very sensitive to ground vibrations, they will run away when they hear the sound of the stick knocking.

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