Insomnia may increase risk of breast cancer

Why are women more prone to insomnia?

Experts say that this is related to women’s physiological characteristics, especially during pregnancy and menopause, when women often have sleep problems due to changes in hormones in their bodies.

Behind insomnia may be hidden a variety of diseases including depression and anxiety. Only by clarifying the cause of insomnia can causal treatment be an effective way to combat insomnia.

Insomnia increases the risk of breast cancer

Long-term insomnia will bring a series of serious problems. Studies have found that middle-aged women who sleep an average of 5 hours a night are more likely to suffer from heart disease than women who sleep an average of 8 hours.

Insomnia may increase hunger, thereby affecting the body’s metabolism, which will make it more difficult for women to maintain a slim figure.

Insomnia will also accelerate the aging process of women’s skin, increase the risk of breast cancer, and aggravate psychological problems such as depression and anxiety.

The biggest impact of insomnia comes from the mental

Severe cases can lead to functional diseases such as schizophrenia and depression, anxiety, autonomic dysfunction, and various systemic diseases, such as the cardiovascular system, digestive system, etc.

What are the causes of breast cancer? Click here if you want to know more about it.



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