Is blood in urine a sign of kidney cancer

Kidney cancer sympotoms is not obviously

Renal cancer usually has no obvious symptoms in the early stage, so we should pay special attention to regular health check-ups. You should have a routine B-ultrasound examination of the kidneys every year since 30 years old.

A considerable number of patients with renal cancer are discovered through B-ultrasound physical examinations every year, and their bodies do not have any discomfort symptoms before. And these renal cancers discovered through physical examination screening are in the early stage of tumors, and they often recover well after timely treatment.

The cause of kidney cancer

The cause of renal cancer is not very clear at present. Chemical carcinogens excreted through the kidneys can induce renal cancer. Hormones, radiation, viral infections, smoking, long-term use of phenacetin drugs, long-term exposure to lead-containing substances and certain chronic kidney diseases may be related to the occurrence of renal cancer.

Therefore, we should develop good living habits, quit smoking, stay away from radiation sources, do not eat moldy, rotten and pickled foods, eat a light diet, and maintain a regular life.

Is blood in urine a sign of kidney cancer

Since the main connection between the kidney and the outside world is urine, hematuria is the most common symptom of renal cancer, but hematuria can only occur when the tumor has invaded the renal pelvis and renal calyces, so it is no longer an early symptom.

There is also a type of hematuria that cannot be seen with the naked eye but is found under a microscope. This is called microscopic hematuria. When a patient has hematuria without any cause and it is microscopic hematuria that does not improve with general drug treatment, it should be taken seriously.

What are the early symptoms of kidney cancer? Click here if you want to know more about it.



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