Is gastric cancer hereditary

Lack of data on gastric cancer incidence in young people

Most patients with gastric cancer are middle-aged and elderly people, but surveys in recent years show that the incidence of gastric cancer in young people is on the rise.

Because the clinical symptoms of gastric cancer in young people are not typical, especially young people are not aware of gastric cancer, the early diagnosis rate is not high, resulting in more misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis.

Analyze the incidence of gastric cancer in young people

In order to analyze and grasp the incidence of gastric cancer in young people, experts analyzed the medical records of 1,839 gastric cancer patients and conducted follow-up surveys on the patients. 

The results showed that among these patients, there were 247 people under the age of 45, accounting for 13.43% of the total number of patients. Among them, there were 132 males and 115 females, with an average age of 41.5 years.

Criteria for hereditary gastric cancer

Experts conducted further research on these 247 patients according to the genetic standards established by the 1998 Seoul International Genetic Conference. 

The standards include: at least 3 people in the family suffer from the same disease, one of whom is a direct relative of the other two; at least two consecutive generations of people suffer from the disease; at least one patient in the family was diagnosed before the age of 45. 

Only if two of the above criteria are met can it be considered as hereditary gastric cancer.

Result for hereditary gastric cancer research

189 patients with complete genetic data were screened out from the above patients, of which 39 had family genetic diseases and 16 were in line with hereditary gastric cancer. The two added up to 55 cases, accounting for 29.1% of the total number of patients with complete genetic data.

Difference between the occurrence of gastric cancer in young and old

In order to study the difference between the occurrence of gastric cancer in young people and the occurrence of genetic diseases in other age groups, the researchers compared the gastric cancer group of young people with the gastric cancer group of middle-aged and elderly people.

The results showed that among the 1454 patients with complete genetic data in the gastric cancer group of middle-aged and elderly people, 90 were in line with hereditary gastric cancer, accounting for 0.61% of the total number of the group.

There was a significant difference between the two groups. The incidence of gastric cancer in young people is not only closely related to family inheritance, but also the genetic incidence of gastric cancer is higher than that of middle-aged and elderly people.

In addition, experts also found in the study of gastric cancer pathological typing that there is another characteristic of gastric cancer in young people, that is, most of them are poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, mucinous cell carcinoma and undifferentiated carcinoma.

What are the causes of gastric cancer? Click here if you want to know more about it.



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