Is leprosy hereditary?

Leprosy is very fragile after leaving the human body.

Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae. However, after being discharged from the human body, the leprosy bacteria will die quickly in the sun or dry bath environment.

At a temperature of 10℃, it will completely lose its vitality after one hour, and lose its fertility after three hours of sunlight exposure.

Leprosy is not hereditary

Leprosy is not hereditary or congenitally transmitted. Whether people who have close contact with leprosy patients will develop the disease depends mainly on their immunity.

People with strong immunity may not develop the disease, and even if they develop the disease, it will be tuberculosis-like (a milder form of leprosy). 

However, it is easy to develop with low immunity. Most adults with healthy immunity have strong resistance to leprosy bacteria, so it is not easy to develop.

From clinical experience, the children of cured leprosy patients will not inherit the disease.

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