Is leukemia hereditary

As we all know, there are now treatments for leukemia, but bone marrow matching is a big problem.

Is it true that leukemia can be inherited from one generation to another?

Regarding the issue of leukemia inheritance, we need to trace back to the cause of leukemia. It is mainly the same as the cause of most malignant tumors, which is generally believed to be related to genetic factors, environmental factors and viral infection.

Any tumor that may be caused by a virus has not been proven to be contagious.

 A large amount of data also shows that spouses who have close contact with leukemia patients do not have a higher incidence rate than other groups, and there are even cases where leukemia was not caused by mistakenly transfusing blood from leukemia patients.

Leukemia is generally not inherited but there is a certain genetic tendency.

 For example, there may be more than two leukemia patients in a family. There are also reports that the chance of both monozygotic twins suffering from leukemia is 20%, which is 12 times higher than the incidence of dizygotic twins.

But this phenomenon is not a common phenomenon, and there is no certain rule, so the question of “whether leukemia can be inherited from one generation to another” still needs in-depth research.

Not all leukemias have a genetic tendency, but clinically, some leukemias are more likely to occur in certain races (such as Caucasians), certain genetic defects (such as Ih, wn syndrome) and certain familial diseases (such as Fzlnco anemia).

Among identical twins, if one suffers from acute leukemia, the probability of the other suffering from acute leukemia (25%) is significantly higher than that of ordinary people (5/100,000). All of the above indicate that certain genetic factors may have an impact on the onset of leukemia.


Regardless of whether leukemia will be inherited from generation to generation, we must develop a good living environment for ourselves to keep leukemia away from us. For patients who have already suffered from leukemia, actively receiving treatment is the only way to recovery.

Is nosebleeds a symptom of leukemia? Click here if you want to know more about it.



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