is liver cancer contagious

Factors that cause liver cancer

Factors that induce liver cancer include: hepatitis virus infection and aflatoxin, drinking water pollution, alcoholism, smoking, nitrosamines, trace element imbalance and heredity.

Due to the combined influence of the above factors, liver cells in the human body may lose normal regulation and grow excessively and unlimitedly, eventually forming a tumor on the liver that can invade and destroy normal tissues and organs, which is liver cancer.

Liver cancer and hepatitis

Liver cancer itself is not directly contagious. The occurrence of liver cancer is closely related to infectious diseases such as hepatitis B and hepatitis C.

If the patient is a viral hepatitis that transforms into hepatitis B, it is possible to be contagious during the viral hepatitis stage.

Liver cancer is contagious if it is accompanied by active hepatitis. The cause of the infection is hepatitis, not liver cancer.

Therefore, strengthening the prevention and treatment of various types of hepatitis will effectively curb the occurrence of liver cancer.

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