Late stage symptoms of lung cancer

Symptoms of advanced lung cancer?


Hoarseness is one of the symptoms of advanced lung cancer. The recurrent laryngeal nerve that controls the left side of the voice function descends from the neck to the chest, bypasses the large blood vessels of the heart and returns to the larynx, thereby controlling the left side of the voice organ. Therefore, if the tumor invades the left side of the mediastinum, the recurrent laryngeal nerve is compressed, and hoarseness occurs, but there is no sore throat and other symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection.

Lung Pain

Pain is a common symptom in patients with advanced lung cancer. The chest cavity is a very complex space. Three-quarters of the surface of the lung is surrounded by the chest wall, which is composed of a thin layer of fat, muscle, ribs and skin. Tumor invasion of any of the above parts will cause pain. Therefore, most lung cancer patients have symptoms of chest pain.

What to do if you have above symptoms?

In life, you must pay attention to the above symptoms. If the above symptoms occur, you should actively and promptly treat them. I hope that after understanding these symptoms, you can pay attention to changes in your body as soon as possible, and you can also realize the severity of the disease and do more prevention in life. If you have any questions, please click online to consult our experts.

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