liver cancer diet

Liver cancer patients consume a lot of energy and must ensure that they have enough nutrition.

Low fat in the diet

Pay attention to low fat in the diet, which can reduce the symptoms of nausea, vomiting, abdominal distension, etc.

Liver cancer patients have poor appetite and eat less food. They should increase the calories of the diet and eat fats and sweets that are easy to digest and absorb, such as honey, sucrose, vegetable oil, cream, etc.

Protein-rich foods

Liver cancer patients should eat more protein-rich foods, especially high-quality protein, such as lean meat, eggs, beans, milk, etc., to prevent albumin reduction. However, in the late stage of liver cancer, when liver function is not good, protein intake should be controlled to avoid excessive protein intake that induces hepatic encephalopathy.


Vitamins A, C, E, K, etc. have certain auxiliary anti-tumor effects. Therefore, liver cancer patients should eat more animal livers, and at the same time, they should eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, such as radish, pumpkin, bamboo shoots, asparagus, apples, black plums, kiwis, etc.

Trace elements

 Liver cancer patients should eat more foods containing trace elements with anti-cancer effects, such as corn, seaweed, kelp, laver, beans, whole wheat noodles, nuts, etc.

Chinese Traditional Medicine

Patients with liver cancer after surgery often suffer from general fatigue, sore limbs, poor appetite and spontaneous sweating due to damage to qi and blood. 

You can eat crucian carp soup, black chicken soup, ginseng tea, longan, white fungus, and turtle. Avoid eating hard, raw and cold foods.

Most patients with advanced liver cancer are in a state of systemic exhaustion and have difficulty eating. In addition to increasing nutrition, they often use American ginseng or white ginseng to soak in water to enhance the functions of their organs.

Eating bamboo shoots can help prevent liver cancer, click here if you want to know more about.

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